South Forty

Good morning, Jesus. Happy Sunday. 

Forty days today. Forty is a number that appears throughout scripture, usually denoting a time period of trials, or cleansing, or preparation. It figured prominently in your own life, most notably in your time in the wilderness that ultimately found you confronted with three temptations to bring in your kingdom in a manner other than what was planned. This was the 'final exam,' as it were, that proceeded your public ministry. The forty days were preparation for all of this. And the account says that you were met with ministering angels, almost a tangible gift of grace to recognize your faithful commitment to your mission. 

Forty also appears in the Old Testament account of Noah. The writer of the story notes that it rained for 'forty days and forty nights' to raise the waters to the tops of all the high mountains. It was literally an extended period of darkness and loneliness, certainly a metaphor of how we sometimes become disoriented in our lives, with only never-ending storms and seas in every direction we look. But it helps to think for a bit how bright the sun must have seen, and how deeply blue the sky looked, when the rains stopped and the clouds cleared. It's almost like the angels that appeared to you after your trial, the visible, tangible reminder of grace, a present foreshadowing of a 'well done my faithful servant' reward. 

Moses spent forty days on Mt. Sinai communing with God and receiving the ten commandments. The Israelites were forced to wander in the desert for forty years before they could enter the promised land. After your resurrection, you remained on earth forty days before returning to your heavenly home. 

Forty days is always a period of waiting of sorts. I waited for my health to improve, for my mind to clear, for a job to appear, for the moment I could again spend time with you in the morning and not quickly retreat to my corner of shame. 

But it's a new day. I am full of thoughts, I have strength to work with Tracy this morning, my mind is sufficiently alert to send timely words of encouragement to others, I am committed to my recovery again, and I am facing each day with the resolve to be a positive influence for those who cross my path. 

And my ministering angels - Julia, Theresa, Valerie, Eddie , Keith, Karen, Tracy, Tom, and my mom, among others - who offer kind words on what I write and encouragement in times of darkness - have brought comfort and sustenance in my wilderness days, and I am strengthened and emboldened by the grace you give through each of them. 

With their help, and yours, I'm pretty sure I can make 41. 



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