Active Listening

Jesus, thank you for a very calming time this morning as I read, journaled and prayed. And, hopefully at one or two moments - however brief - made an effort to listen.

And I think you spoke to me as my playlist offered a song with this line: 'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.' I sense several messages that might be in that verse, but for this morning I think you were just trying to calm the anxiety and worry that are constant companions when I'm interviewing and applying for work. The verse is a more poetic version of my AA Big Book, which very bluntly reminds me that I am 'no longer running the Show.' I find comfort and peace in both phrases this morning.

As Chesterton wrote, 'Hope is the power of being cheerful in circumstances we know to be desperate.' I am certainly not desperate, but easily prone to despair.

I'm going to approach the world with a cheerful countenance today. And I'm going to let you run the show, remembering that grace has brought me too far to let go of me now.

Thank you for speaking to me this morning.

Thank you even more that you gave me the ability to listen.



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